Welcome Back!
Welcome back to a wonderful new year of learning! Ms. McLoughlin and I are thrilled to be teaching the wonderful students of Grade Three. We have had a great week of learning new routines, talking about responsibilities, and meeting new teachers. As a reference, our Specials Schedule is as follows... Mondays: Spanish...12:45-1:15 Tuesdays: PE...9:00-9:45 Music...12:00-12:45 Wednesdays: Art...12:00-12:45 Thursdays: Library...9:00-10:00 Technology...12:00-12:45 Fridays: Spanish...12:45-1:15 As always, please feel free to contact us at the school via a note in the backpack or email: colleen.johnson@stmarysparish.org and erin.mcloughlin@stmarysparish.org . Enjoy your four-day weekend, and we look forward to seeing all 26 bright, shining faces on Tuesday, September 5th!